For Christians, one of the greatest acts of love is to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. This is known as the Great Commission, a command given to Christians to get other people to follow Jesus.
However, there is a major obstacle to this: to
many people, Christianity sounds irrational. For those who desire to fulfill the Great Commission, this can be a major obstacle in that it reflects badly on Christian character and gives positive intellectual reason to reject Christianity. Therefore, it appears that in order to effectively fulfill the Great Commission, at least some rational justification must be offered for the truth of Christianity. But is there any way to do this?
Introducing EQUIP! Founded by William Lane Craig, perhaps the most renowned Christian philosopher of our day, anyone can learn how to defend the rational acceptability of Christianity. It’s a FREE series of video courses (not for any academic credit) that teach how to make a rational defense of Christianity. It covers such topics as Cosmological arguments, the Modal Ontological Argument, historical arguments for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, a defense against the Problem of Evil and other common objections to Christianity, and even a course in the attributes of God! Each section explains the argument beyond merely laying it out. They consider objections, limitations, and rebuttals of each argument. It’s also extremely flexible: no deadlines to meet, no prerequisites, and you can back out at any time! Given the videographic nature of the content, you can work at your own pace. Worried you don’t understand a particular premise? No worries! You can watch a video as many times as needed. Are they talking too fast? Simply slow the video down-there’s a tool for that! Need to take notes? You can pause the video if you need to! How much you learn from it is totally up to you.
But wait, there’s more! In addition to the videos, there are forums on the website where you can delve deeper into the deluge of any philosophical or theological topic that strikes your fancy.
Ultimately, if you use EQUIP, you will come away with a greater interest in philosophy, more wisdom, and better confidence in what you believe and why you believe it. Meet like-minded people who ask the same questions you do, debate those with opinions contrary to yours, and “EQUIP” yourself to “give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15) today!