We should all try to be more logical, right? I mean, Albert Einstein said, “Logic will get you from A to B.” He went on to say something inspirational about imagination, but that doesn’t sell my topic, so I won’t include it! What is my topic you might ask? Well, it’s already been spoiled for you by the title, but I’ll tell you anyway. It’s “Introduction to Formal Logic” from Memoria Press, part of the “Traditional Logic” series. I really enjoyed this book and workbook, it walks you through the process of formal reasoning, and all of the rules to create a valid syllogism. Did I understand what I was doing all of the time? Um…. Yeah! Yeah, I did. (He said with confidence). On the whole, it’s very well written, fun, and instructional. It will give your brain (not a muscle, an organ) a workout.
End of Summer Spotlight
Updated: Feb 25, 2024